Localization Lab Community Updates: July 23, 2018

Staff Updates

Erinm will be on vacation from the 23rd of July through the 5th of August. If you have any urgent questions, please direct them to Andrea (acb555 in Mattermost, andrea@localizationlab.org via email) and she will assist you.

Community Events

Introducing our new community-led training series!

Session 1: Intro to Weblate

Join us on August 16th @ 13:00 UTC on Jitsi Meet for an Introduction to Weblate training session facilitated by @dachary. If you want to contribute to projects that are already working with Weblate (like SecureDrop) or you are just curious to learn more, drop by and find out how this translation platform works!  

Project Needs


OpenKeychain will be releasing version 5.2 of the application by 27th of July. There are several languages that just need a little push to reach 100% translation including the following:

Dutch (nl), German (de), Dutch (Belgium) (nl_BE), Ukrainian (uk), Spanish (es), Portuguese (Brazil) (pt_BR), Japanese (ja), Chinese (zh), Basque (eu), Serbian (sr), Swedish (sv), Galician (gl), Italian (it)

Let us know if you are interested in providing review for any of the above languages.

Dutch Review

Both Briar Project and Ooni Probe have been translated into Dutch and now require review. If you are available to help with review of either project, please let us know so that we can provide you the necessary permissions and put you in touch with the original translator.