Meet Maja Manojlović!

Localization Lab is happy to introduce Maja Manojlović, who recently joined us as a Program Associate (Localization Management). Here is a brief Q&A where you can get to know a little bit more about her;

What has been your experience before joining Localization Lab?

I worked for an educational tech company as a localization coordinator. Among other things, the company created educational resources for children and young people – my team was responsible for making sure these resources were translated into many different languages and available for our communities all around the world.

Tell us about an experience that has shaped your perspective and work.

I can’t really pinpoint one specific experience. I would say making real connections with the communities, listening to their feedback, and hearing about their needs and struggles massively affected the way I approach my work today. Seeing firsthand how the work I do has an impact on real people outside of my little bubble has really put things into perspective for me. It definitely gave the work I do more meaning and made me much more passionate and determined to do more.

What do you see as the greatest challenges for the future of internet freedom, digital rights and the role of Localization Lab in this changing landscape?

I think one of the biggest challenges has been, and will continue to be, ensuring that everyone has equal access to the internet and digital technologies. There are still significant barriers to these things in a lot of communities around the world, which creates a digital divide and puts these communities at a disadvantage. Localization Lab can help bridge that gap by localizing relevant content and ensuring these communities can access information freely and make informed decisions.

Explain localization to a 6-year-old…

People around the world have their own special ways of talking and doing things, depending on where they live. Localization is when you take something from a different country and culture and change it a little bit so that it fits better with your culture.

What’s a project you’re really excited about at the moment?

Joining the team at Localization Lab! It’s only been a couple of months since I joined and I’m very excited to learn more about what you do here and how I can contribute to the company’s mission.

What’s your favorite word or expression in your own language and what does it mean?

Not exactly my favorite, but definitely a phrase I use very often: “Šta da?”. It literally translates to “What yes?” but it means something like “Really?”. The interesting thing about it is that it’s characteristic for the region I come from – something I realized embarrassingly late in life.

Tell us something that most people don't know about you.

When I was young I wanted to be a fashion designer so I started doing fashion illustration, which is still a hobby of mine today.

Your superpower?

My whole personality changes based on the weather. On a more serious note, though – I think I have a great ability to put myself into other people’s shoes and try to understand their point of view.