September Newsletter

September Newsletter

In this month's inaugural newsletter for Localization Lab you will find information about new projects and events for September, an update on translation progress across Localization Lab projects, urgent translation needs for September as well as a call forLanguage Coordinators and project maintenance.
We hope you enjoy and let us know what you would like to see included in next month's newsletter!

Spanish Localization Sprint, June 15th - 17th in Colombia

Next week Localization Lab and Internews will be hosting a Spanish localization sprint in Colombia. Over the course of three days, an amazing community of Spanish-speaking digital security trainers and activists will be translating the LevelUp website and Security First's Umbrella App as well as discussing and working through the challenges of translating technical content.  Both LevelUp and Umbrella are invaluable resources for digital and physical security information as well as how to educate and train individuals in those areas.

What is LevelUp?
LevelUp is an online repository for resources for the global digital safety training community. Through the LevelUp website, you can access advice from fellow digital safety trainers and experienced facilitators, customize curriculum keyed to how adults learn, learn more from experts on the Psychology of Security Trainings and self-care (including how stress and trauma affect the ability to learn as well as train effectively), get ideas from icebreakers and activities to start your workshops and make them fun, check out guides on developing trainings and crafting agendas, and more. All made for trainers by their fellow trainers.

Learn more on the LevelUp website.

What is Umbrella App?
Umbrella is a free, open-source app for Android devices, developed by the Security First team. Umbrella brings together all the latest tools and advice on how to operate securely. Based on your level of ability, it offers simple, practical advice on what to do and what tools to use, reflecting your level of risk.

For more information, visit the Security First website. Download Umbrella on Google Play, through F-Droid or Amazon.

If you are interested in contributing remotely to the localization sprint, you can either sign up for the LevelUp and Umbrella App teams in Transifex or contact the Localization Lab team at for more information.

Call for IFF Localization Sprint Projects and Participants

Localization Lab is excited to announce that it will hosting another day-long Localization Sprint coinciding with the 2016 Internet Freedom Festival taking place in Valencia and we are currently looking for projects and their developers to participate in the event!

What is a Localization Sprint? A Localization Sprint is a day in which translators and developers sit side-by-side and work together to understand, translate and test internet freedom tools.

What is in it for you as a developer? As a participating developer, you will not only leave the sprint with a significant amount of your tools translated into several languages, but you will also gain insight into localization process from the perspective of translators, get valuable feedback from translators who in many cases are end users themselves, and get the opportunity to meet and build relationships with the passionate community that helps make your tools available world-wide.

Take a look at what was achieved at last year’s IFF Localization Sprint focusing on Globaleaks and the Tor Project here on the Localization Lab website:  Localization Sprint in Valencia

Who is an ideal candidate for participation?

  • You have an internet freedom tool that is ready to localize - either within the existing OTF Hub on Transifex, or outside using a different translation management tool.

  • You have at least one developer or localization project manager available to participate in the day-long event. 

  • You have a provoking narrative for translating your tool - organizations or end users have requested the tool be made available in their language or you have a strong use case for a particular region / language.

If you are interested in participating here is what we need from you :

  1. The name of your project / tool :

  2. Is your tool already in the OTF Hub in Transifex? :

  3. What are your language priorities? :

  4. Name(s) and contact information of Localization Sprint attendee(s) :

  5. Availability during IFF :

Please let us know if you are interested in participating and provide the above information by WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 3RD. Submissions will be considered by the community and the tools that are included in the Localization Sprint will ultimately be decided collectively.

For those developers who may not be interested in participating in the Localization Sprint but are still interested in contributing to Localization Lab and OTF Hub activities, we will also be hosting a day-long Localization Summit that will bring together translators, developers and other community members to discuss localization related issues and challenges and how to tackle them in the year to come. We welcome all participation - the more the merrier - just let us know if you plan on attending so that we can plan accordingly.

2016 Localization Summit & Sprint Translator Applications -- DUE FRIDAY, JAN. 29TH

We are now accepting applications for those translators interested in attending this year's Localization Summit and Sprint, which will take place over the course of two days overlapping with the 2016 Internet Freedom Festival from March 1st - 6th in Valencia, Spain. The Localization Summit and Sprint provide a wonderful opportunity for you as a translator and contributor to the OTF Hub to meet and communicate face-to-face with the Localization Lab staff, your colleagues, and developers of the tools that you work tirelessly to make available to the global community. 

If you are interested in contributing to the the Localization SummitLocalization Sprintcommunity social events and any IFF events outside of the Localization Lab sponsored activities, please fill out and submit the following application. If you anticipate having financial or visa issues, please do not let that stop you from applying, however indicate any an all potential hurdles in the application itself.

Please submit your applications by FRIDAY, JAN. 29TH so that we can plan accordingly and properly allocate resources.

2016 Localization Summit and Sprint Application

*Please note that in addition to submitting the Localization Summit and Sprint Application, you will also need to register for the Internet Freedom Festival itself which you can do here.

Localization Lab at the Internet Freedom Festival in 2016

As many of you will have noted from recent posts, the Internet Freedom Festival (IFF) is quickly approaching and for the second year in a row, Localization Lab will be hosting several exciting events over the course of the festival!

For those of you not familiar with IFF, it is a free event - taking place March 1 - 6 in Valencia, Spain - that "gathers the community keeping the Internet open and uncensored for a week of multidisciplinary collaboration." This involves community-led discussions and networking surrounding a wide array of internet freedom topics including...the localization of internet freedom tools.

IFF will be Localization Lab's largest public presence of the year where we will host a Localization Summit, a day in which community members come together to discuss the challenges that face the community as a whole, a Localization Sprint, where translators are able to work on the translation of select tools from the Hub in the same room as and with the support of the developers of those tools, a localization informational session and various informal networking and bonding opportunities for the community.

** We would love to have as much community participation and collaboration in the aforementioned events as possible and encourage anyone who is able to join us in Valencia and share in the activities. If you are planning on attending IFF and want to take part in any of the Localization Lab events, please let us know so that we can plan accordingly and make the most of your background and experience. **

If you have any questions about IFF or the Localization Lab events, please don't hesitate to ask Dragana or Erin, or refer to the ongoing planning discussions we will be having through the LocLab Google Group.

New LocLab Project: Net Aid Kit

We are excited to announce that NetAidKit has joined the Hub! Take a minute to learn about the project below from the project’s coordinator, Menso Heus, and join us in welcoming NetAidKit to the community!

Join the NetAidKit translation team on the project overview page :


Hello everyone! My name is Menso Heus and I’m the coordinator of the NetAidKit project. The NetAidKit is a pocket size, USB powered router that connects everything to everything, designed specifically for non-technical users. The easy to use web interface will allow you to connect the NetAidKit to a wireless or wired network and share that connection with your other devices, such as a phone, laptop or tablet.

Once the NetAidKit is connected to a wireless or wired network, you can make it connect to a Virtual Private Network or the anonymizing Tor network at the click of a button. Any devices connected to the NetAidKit will use these extra security features automatically, without needing to configure each of the devices separately. 

We’ve designed the product specifically for journalists and activists in repressive regimes and a lot of our target audience doesn’t speak English. That’s why we’re looking for help translating our interface in different languages and where hopefully you come in! The interface is quite minimal and so is the amount of words that need translating. I did the translation from English to Dutch and was done within an hour! It’d be great if you could help us out and I’d be more than willing to give translators credit on our website.

For more information about the NetAidKit, visit 

Hoping to collaborate with you all soon!



Farsi Localization Sprint FOR the Tails Operating System on September 29th through October 2nd in Amsterdam.

Localization Lab is hosting a Farsi localization sprint next week with support from our partners Baaroo Foundation and Open Technology Fund to bring together the Farsi-speaking community to translate Tails-- the movable operating system, it is an amazing tool for Iranian activists, journalists, bloggers, human rights researchers, and advocates inside Iran. Can't make it to Amsterdam this week?  You can join us in IRC throughout the week in the channel  #tailsfarsi

What is Tails?

Tails is a live operating system, that you can start on almost any computer from a DVD, USB stick, or SD card. It aims at preserving your privacy and anonymity, and helps you to:

  • Use the Internet anonymously and circumvent censorship;

  • All connections to the Internet are forced to go through the Tor network;

  • Leave no trace on the computer you are using unless you ask it explicitly;

  • Use state-of-the-art cryptographic tools to encrypt your files, emails and instant messaging.

  • It is based on Debian GNU/Linux.

The first day (September 29th) we will focus on training with a security expert and A Tails developer who will give us background on Tails, usage and design, and a discuss context on using Tails in Iran. You don’t need to be a developer to contribute meaningfully to the privacy and anti-censorship efforts for the Iranian community! Join us for a good cause, to improve the internet freedom space, and enjoy great music, great food, and great company!

  • In Weesperbuurt en Plantage in Amsterdam, please RSVP and we will send the address for the sprint.

  • Next week from September 29th - October 2nd. Refreshments and lunch will be provided

It is required that you bring your own laptop for this event, if you are unable to bring your own please by Monday September 28th so we can one bring one to provide. Please send RSVP to by Sunday, September 27th.

Farsi Localization Sprint on August 28th and 29th in Amsterdam.

Join us this weekend for a Farsi Localization Sprint of Internet Freedom Tools, August 28th and 29th in Amsterdam. 

Localization Lab is hosting a Farsi localization sprint this week with support from our partners Baaroo Foundation and Radio Zamaneh to bring together the Farsi-speaking community to translate mobile applications that provide anonymity and circumvention available to the Iranian community. We’ll be translating encryption apps like Bitmask, ChatSecure, Martus, Pixelknot, and Ostel, ObscuraCam as well as Panic Button, Orweb, InformaCam, Orfox, Checkey, SecureReader, and LocationPrivacy.  This will provide the Farsi speaking community, which is relying increasingly more on mobile-based tools, access to a number of apps that circumvent censorship and provide security through encrypted chat, text, and voice. On Saturday, by popular demand, we’ll work on the Tor Browser and Pidgin.

You don’t need to be a developer to contribute meaningfully to the privacy and anti-censorship efforts for the Iranian community! Join us for a good cause, to improve the internet freedom space, and enjoy great music, great food, and great company!

Amsterdam City Center, we’ll send the address and directions when we receive your RSVP

This weekend, August 28th and 29th from 12:00 (noon) to 18:00.

Please send RSVP to and tell us what you want to work on and if you’ll be attending one or both days. 

Kindly note that we have some funding for travel to and from Utrecht, The Hague and the like, please let us know in the email if you need a travel grant!


کارگاه بومیسازی نرمافزارهای اینترنت آزاد برای فارسیزبانان

Localization Lab :برگزار میکنند

برای کنارگاه فارسیسازی نرم افزارهای مرتبط با آزادی اینترنت در این آخر هفته )جمعه و شنبه۲۸ و۲۹ اگوست ساعت۱۲:۰۰ ظهر تا۶:۰۰ عصر( در آمستردام-هلند با ما همراه شوید.

ورکشاپ بومیسازی نرم افزارهای مرتبط با آزادی اینترنت به همت Localization Lab و با هم یاریرادیو زمانه وبنیاد بارو این آخر هفته در آمستردام برگزار میشود. جمعیت فارسیزبانان هلند در این جلسهها سعی خواهند

کنرد تا نرمافزارهای مربوط به حفظ حریم خصوصی٬امنیت آنلین و فیلترشکن را ترجمه کننند و روش کنارکنردن بهتر با این نرمافزارها را فرا بگیرند. ما در این جلسات سعی خواهیم کنرد تا نرمافزارهای قفلگذاری٬ فیلترشکن و امنیت آنلین مانند ,Bitmask Panic Button, Orweb,و همچنین Ostel, ObscuraCamو ChatSecure, Martus, Pixelkont, InformaCam, Orfox, Checkey, SecureReader وLocationPrivacy را به فارسی ترجمه کننیم و روش کنار با آنها را بیاموزیم. این روند به جامعه فارسیزبان کنه هر روز بیش از پیش از طریق گوشیهای همراه از اینترنت استفاده میکنند کنمک میکنند تا به بسیاری از نرمافزارهای مهم برای امن ماندن و استفاده آزاد از اینترنت دسترسی داشته باشد و بتواند به صورت امن و قفلگذاری شده از طریق چت٬ متن٬ صدا و تصویر با دیگران در ارتباط باشد.

در اولین روز کنارگاه )شنبه۲۹ اگوست( بنا به بیشترین درخواست بر روی نرم افزارهایTor Browser وPidgin کنار خواهیم کنرد.

برای شرکنت در این کنارگاه لزم نیست کنه برنامهنویس باشید و یا در زمینه امنیت و حفظ حریم خصوصی در اینترنت فعال باشید! تنها لزم است کنه هدف مثبت برای تقویت آزادی اینترنت داشته باشید و بخواهید در کننار ما

ازموسیقی خوب٬ غذای لذیذ وهمراهی با سایرین لذت ببرید.

لطفن تقاضای شرکنت در کنارگاه را تا روز پنجشنبه۲۷ اگوست به نشانی ارسال کننید. لطفن در متن ایمیل کنمی در مورد خود شرح دهید و اشاره کننید کنه در کندام یک از روزها )فقط شنبه٬ فقط جمعه یا هر دو روز( مایل به شرکنت در ورکشاپ هستید. این کنارگاه در مرکنز شهر آمستردام برگزار خواهد شد. نشانی دقیق و راههای دسترسی به محل کنارگاه را در پاسخ به ایمیل درخواست برای شما ارسال خواهیم کنرد.

لطفن توجه کننید بودجهی محدودی برای پوشش دادن هزینههای رفت و آمد از سایر شهرهای هلند به محل کنارگاه وجود دارد. در صورت تمایل به دریافت این مبلغ٬ لطفن در ایمیل خود اشاره کننید. 


Ask Me Anything: MailPile

The prospect of a highly usable and user friendly PGP email client continues to elude us. The participants of our most recent Ask-Me-Anything, however, are setting out to change that. Is MailPile really the answer to our PGP woes?

Read the Full Transcript Here.

Read the transcript to learn more about MailPile AMA including: it's interesting origin story, the reasons behind its search-based design, and how the developers of MailPile value the input of translators from around the world. Want to know more about MailPile? Check out or get involved in localizing it onTransifex.

A Localization Sprint in Valencia

On March 4th, 2015 in Valencia, Spain as part of the Circumvention Tech Festival, the Localization Lab from OTF hosted our second ever Localization Sprint. The goal of the Sprint was to convene a group of translators from the Localization Lab Community with Developers from the Tor Project and Globaleaks to translate Internet Freedom Tools (IFTs) into more than 10 different languages simultaneously and also to identify localization and user challenges while providing real time feedback to developers of these important tools.

The results of the event were the following:

  • We translated 11,560 words and 6,627 words were reviewed during the Localization Sprint into the following 11 languages: Norwegian Bokmål, Finnish, Croatian, Slovenian, Farsi, Urdu, Russian, French, Arabic, Hungarian and Spanish. To give some context, 12,000 words is the equivalent of 15 typed pages and/or between 25 and 40 web pages. We accomplished this together in one afternoon.

  • We convened teams of developers from Tor and Globaleaks to work side-by-side with translators throughout the day to answer their questions and to understand and hear user feedback in real time.

  • Translators that attended the event were inspired and motivated to complete and finish translation projects they started at the Sprint in days following the convening.

  • Translators in French, Finnish, Croatian, and Slovenian fully completed the translation of Globaleaks into their languages.

  • Developers told us how valuable it was to have the opportunity to sit face-to-face with users and supporters of their tools to better understand the needs for and hangups related to their tools.

  • In the days following the Translation Sprint, the Localization Lab team was approached by developers of tools not yet included in the Sprint who expressed interest in participating in future Sprints.

Since the Localization Sprint, we have seem a flurry of activity from translators who participated and continued dialogue between translators and developers about their tools. We see this work as the start of much more to come. It is our goal that community members will eventually be able to host their own events.

In the meantime we will be hosting our third Localization Sprint focused on Tails in the end of March in Manila, Philippines as part of RightsCon.We are specifically focusing on the following languages: Farsi, Urdu, Thai, Tagalog, and Vietnamese. If you are a translator or work with a group interested in supporting the translation of Tails into these languages, please contact for more information.